Welcome to the Home of The Barryton Firearms Training Center

State of Michigan Certified
These courses comply with section 5j of 1927 PA 372 (Michigan
State of Michigan Certified
These courses comply with section 5j of 1927 PA 372 (Michigan
Check back with us soon for our next 31 Gun Raffle coming in the next few months.
Want to get that Hard-to-Buy for person in your life the perfect gift? Look no further than a Gift Card for Guns & Ammo or CPL Courses!
Hit the button below to purchase
With over 50 years of combined pistol and firearm instructor training, the staff at the Barryton Firearms Training Center are dedicated to instructing students on firearm safety, storage, carry and personal defense along with the required laws in relation to deadly force encounters.
Our Master Firearms Instructor, Officer Casey Nemeth:
-Over 28 years at a Michigan County Sherriff's Office
-Sheriff's Office Firearms Instructor for 23 years
-State Certified Firearms Instructor for 22 years
-Teaching Michigan CPL Courses for over 15 years.
The Barryton Firearms Training Center host the Barryton Police Department CPL Courses that follows the required guidelines and mandatory training required by the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards for CPL courses. Over the past 15 years the Center has instructed more students than the other 16 certified department programs combined.
With over 75 different handguns to choose from, along with all the required ammunition, eye and ear protection all provided, with coffee and donuts in the morning and lunch provided as well, not to mention the FIREARM GIVEAWAY, you are not going to find a better deal.
All course materials, use of firearms, ammunition, all safety equipment, gun drawing, refreshments and lunch are all included in the $99 course fee.
Students only required items:
Michigan Driver's License or Michigan ID card.
Be 18 years and older. (Under 21 can turn in their certificate when they turn 21)
Appropriate clothing for the days weather.
(*Minimum of 25 students per class is required for prize giveaway)
Course time: 8am - 4:30pm
Saturday February 15th
Sunday February 16th
Saturday March 15th
Sunday March 16th
Saturday April 19th
Saturday May 10th (Bring Mom for 1/2 Price)
Sunday May 11th (Bring Mom for 1/2 Price)
You can Book your Course Date online below.
We conduct the CPL Courses at the Barryton Conservation Club, located at 3444 18 Mile Road Barryton Michigan 49305
M66 9 miles north of Remus and just 2 miles south of Barryton. Look for the large sign at the corner of M66 and 18 Mile Road, Turn west onto 18 Mile Road. The driveway has another sign and is 1/2 mile down the road on the right (North) side of the road.
Handling Handguns Safely
General Firearm Safety Rules
Safe Storage of a Handgun
Range Safety Rules
A Working Knowledge of Handguns and Ammunition
Functional Parts of Handguns
Different Kinds of Ammunition
Basic Fundamentals of Handgun Shooting
Loading, Unloading also Grip and Stance
Shooting Positions and Sighting
Trigger Control and Breathing Techniques
Understanding of Strategies to Avoid Criminal Attack
Crime Prevention Tips
Combat Preparation for the Spouse or Family
Understanding of the CPL Laws
The Process for Obtaining and Renewing a CPL
Civil Liability
Proper Conduct when Stopped by Law Enforcement
Practice with Your Choice of Over 70 Different Handguns from .22 to .45 Caliber
Pass the MCOLES CPL basic pistol safety training assessment course of fire.
We have room for you!
We know your busy and provide both Saturday and Sunday Courses to fit your busy lifestyle. We even do a weekday course for those who work the weekends.
Our CPL Courses are on sale for $99 for everyone through 2024. We do require a $50 deposit to hold your spot, you will have a balance of $49 to be paid at your course.
Check out the "Upcoming Course Schedule" listed above and pick a course date that works for you.
The ball is rolling and you are on your way to enrolling in your CPL Course.
Pay the Deposit to enroll for your chosen course.
You have three ways to pay your deposit:
1. Pay Online:
Hit the "Book a CPL Course Today" below
Choose your course date
Fill out the required boxes
Enter $50.00 for one student, $100 for two, $150 for three, etc.
(You can pay for more than one person's deposit)
2. Calling in Your Deposit or Full Payment with Card/Debit:
Want to talk to an instructor for more info, pay your deposit by phone, or even pay in full so you don't have to bring anything to class, you can do that.
Call us at 231-250-7257 (9am-9pm Weekdays and Weekends)
3. Mailing in Your Deposit in using Check or Money Order:
P.O. Box 117
Chippewa Lake MI 49320
(Make sure your course date is in the memo of your payment)
Once your Deposit or Full Payment is paid, we will email you the Enrollment Sheet with your receipt for payment. You will also receive the Barryton Firearms Training Center Morley Police CPL Courses Pre-Book that will have detailed information on the training you will be provided on your selected course date.
We will see you on your selected course date at the training center, be ready the Get Armed and Get Trained!
So it's been five years and it's time to renew your CPL. No problem, we can help. We offer a 3-hour review and 1 hour range renewal course to meet the State of Michigan's requirements for only $51
(All Renewal Courses are 12PM to 4:30PM)
Saturday February 15th
Sunday February 16th
Saturday March 15th
Sunday March 16th
Saturday April 19th
Saturday May 10th
Sunday May 11th
Step 1:
Send us a message at the bottom of the webpage letting us know which renewal course you want to take.
Step 2:
Pay for the Renewal Course
You have three ways to pay:
1. Call 231-250-7257 and pay by phone (Debit/Credit)
2. Book online using the Button Below
3. Mail a check or money order to:
P.O. Box 117
Chippewa Lake MI 49320
You want more training?
You want to be trained on how to distract an assailant, draw your weapon while moving, and fire rounds on target and escape?
Then sign up today for our tactical pistol training!
In these intense training classes we teach:
-A survival mind-set and core skills
-Basic techniques and tactics that might save our life in a gun-fight.
-Quick engagement, shooting and moving to stop the threat and escape.
-Defensive shooting skills used in real life-threating situations.
-All tactics and techniques taught are reality based and street proven.
These are 3 hour tactical training courses
Course Fee: $50.00 each
Course Fee Ammo Provided: $100.00 each
Students are required to bring:
-Your own handgun
-Holster or carrying case (Purse, Waistband, etc.)
-100 Rounds of Ammunition for Your Weapon.
-Eye and Ear Protection
-Handguns and Ammunition can be rented/purchased for those who need either or both. (Contact the Instructor with Requests Prior to your course date.)
-A Driver's License or State issued Photo ID
-CPL License is not required
5 Real Life Training Encounters
4 Different Action Police Training Targets
A Few of the Training Topics:
-Re-active shooting skills
-Verbal engagement
-Multiple shot placement
-Sustainability and Tactical movement
-Single aggressor engagement from different angles of attack.
-Accuracy under duress
5 Real Life Training Encounters
6 Different Action Police Training Targets
A Few of the Training Topics:
-Re-active shooting skills
-Verbal engagement
-Multiple shot placement
-Sustainability and Tactical movement
-Multiple aggressor engagement from different angles of attack.
-Accuracy under duress
-Use of Cover and Barricades
Date CPL 2 CPL 3
Get into one of these Tactical Courses and get the skillset and training guidelines to prevail in a gunfight, saving you and/or someone you love.
Let's Get Tactical!
Select a Tactical Course Date from the Schedule above
You have three ways to pay:
1. Pay online by hitting the "Book Your Advanced Course" button
2. Call 231-250-7257 and Pay by Phone with Debit or Credit Card
3. Mail a check or money order to:
P.O. Box 117
Chippewa Lake MI 49320
You want to train for your CPL with friends and family privately at our Training Center? We offer our full 8 hour CPL Course for private groups of any size, any weekday or any available weekend. Prices are established by the number of students. Contact us today to get a customized quote on your private CPL course here at the Barryton Firearms Training Center.
You want to train for your CPL with friends and family privately at your location? We offer our Mobile full 8 hour CPL Course for private groups of any size, any weekday or any available weekend. Prices are established by the number of students, distance, and equipment needed. If you have room and a range/target area, contact us today to get a customized quote on your private CPL course at your location.
Lakeside Armory will be at the course with several Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns and Accessories that you will be able to purchase or put on layaway. They offer a zero percent 12 month layaway financing and only require 10% down. They accept cash, check, and all major credit cards right at the course.
Don't forget to bring the guns you want to sell or trade in. Lakeside Armory will purchase your old firearm outright or take it in on trade towards the purchase of one of theirs.
Want to wake up only 3 minutes from the course?
Want to stay the night after your course to relax and unwind?
We have you covered.
Just three miles down the road, on the lakeshore of Lost lake, are waterfront cottages available year-round for nightly and weekly rental.
Call them today to reserve your waterfront cabin today!
6577 Lost Lake Ln, Barryton, MI 49305
There will be an investigation if you use a gun, whether you pull the trigger or not, or any other legal weapon to stop a threat. The legal system can be hostile, even if you did nothing wrong.
Right to Bear provides unparalleled coverage for everyone who believes in the right to protect themselves and their loved ones. Because you are concerned about the consequences of doing what's legally right, they offer comprehensive protection for both criminal and civil defense-whether it is a minor accident or a major life-altering situation.
The Barryton Firearms Training Center (BFTC) is proud to announce that we have partnered with Right to Bear to offer Michigan residents the premier Legal Defense Insurance available.
Get Armed, Get Trained, Get Covered.
Become a Member Today!
The easy way to receive an exclusive special rate of $15 a month!
For only $15 per month or $165 annually, you will be covered knowing Right To Bear is in your corner.
Sign-up TODAY and receive your protection immediately, plus if you sign up for an annual, you'll get two free months. That is a $22 saving to you now!
SIGN-UP at: https://protectwithbear.com/
If you have any questions or want to sign up over the phone:
Call Casey at 231.250.7257 and give the discount code: BFTC
Where is my Michigan CPL Valid?
The 39 states practicing CPL reciprocity with Michigan include: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont [does not require permits for residents or nonresidents], Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
1. A school or school property except that a parent or legal guardian of a student of the school is not precluded from carrying a concealed pistol while in a vehicle on school property, if he or she is dropping the student off at the school or picking up the student from the school.
2. A public or private child care center or day care center, public or private child caring institution, or public or private child placing agency.
3. A sports arena or stadium.
4. A bar or tavern licensed under the Michigan liquor control, where the primary source of income of the business is the sale of alcoholic liquor by the glass and consumed on the premises. This subdivision does not apply to an owner or employee of the business.
5. Any property or facility owned or operated by a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or other place of worship, unless the presiding official or officials of the church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or other place of worship permit the carrying of concealed pistol on that property or facility.
6. An entertainment facility with a seating capacity of 2,500 or more individuals that the individual knows or should know has a seating capacity of 2,500 or more individuals or that has a sign above each public entrance stating in letters not less than 1-inch high a seating capacity of 2,500 or more individuals.
7. A hospital.
8. A dormitory or classroom of a community college, college, or university.
9. A casino
The process for obtaining a Concealed Pistol License.
1. Successfully complete a State Certified pistol safety training course and obtain a Certificate of Completion. (Pick one of our courses today!)
2. Obtain a CPL Application from the county clerk, or Sheriff’s Office in the county that you live in.
3. Complete the CPL Application (unsigned, you will sign it in front of the Clerk) and return it to your County Clerk along with your State Certified Pistol Safety Training Course Certificate of Completion, pay an application and licensing fee of $115.00.
4. Upon paying all applicable fees and filing the application, the applicant must have classifiable fingerprints taken by the county clerk, or other entity that provides fingerprinting services for the Clerk.
5. The County Clerk will mail your Concealed Pistol License to you within 45 days of your application filing. The CPL is valid for 5 years.
Every penny counts when you're paying for classes, books and rent. Bring your College ID to your CPL Course and get a $10 discount
Whether you are active duty or a veteran, the Barryton Firearms Training Center Staff is honored to serve you. You will get a $10 discount.
LEOs, Corrections Officers, DNR, Firemen, Dispatchers and Probation/Parole. You protect and serve and get a $10 discount.
Over 65 years of age?
You earned it, get your $10 discount today.
You live more than 60 miles from the course, we'll cover your gas money. Get your $10 mileage discount today.
Taken our CPL Course before? Want to do a refresher? Repeat Customers can take the course again for 1/2 price.
TAKE. THIS. COURSE. It was well worth the 1.5 hour drive. 50+ firearms to try with all ammo provided. Crawl, Walk, Run style teaching. Lunch, pop, and since they are taught by actual police officers, plenty of doughnuts. And it was still cheaper than anything in my area.
This class was amazing! I have never shot or held a gun before and the instructors broke it down to make things easy to understand. Casey made the class very enjoyable and entertaining. Very easy to learn for the basic introduction class. All the instructors get personal with you and love hearing about your stories and are more than willing to help you if you're struggling. AWESOME CLASS!
Wow, what a great experience! I learned so much, lots of hands-on, lots of guns to checkout. I cannot say enough about how great the staff is. They make learning fun! They enjoy what they do, and are SO patient with novices. If you're considering taking the course, this is the perfect place!
Anyone interested in getting your CPL I highly recommend getting it here wished I did it sooner very informative i have been around guns for years but still learned a lot of new stuff taking this class Great Team of Guys Thank You All
I went into this class pretty sure I would make a fool of myself as I had never shot a pistol before; I walked out with the biggest smile ever, in love with the 1911 and ready to buy my own .45!! The guys are amazing, knowledgeable and fun instructors. There's more than enough guns to choose from, making sure you'll find one you love and can handle with ease. The time flew by!! I'm not really sure why anyone would go anywhere else!!
This was a great class and perfect for a beginner or experienced person. The teachers were passionate about what they taught, they made the class fun, and had a ton of knowledge to offer. They helped instill confidence in me with practice, guidance, and class time. Out on the range, they helped me to become more comfortable while shooting. They made it very safe and they were kind and patient. The knowledge I gained in this class was invaluable! Highly recommend this fun class!
Just wanted to reach out and express my appreciation from the class I took with you and the instructors on Mother’s Day! It was a lot of fantastic information that I learned! Plus you made the class sooo much fun, made us laugh, and just overall have a great time learning! Wouldn’t have taken the CPL class anywhere else even with the hour and 10 minute drive, beyond worth it in every way!
Contact us with any questions on any of the courses we provide. You can also contact us with your Course Date Selection and we will email you your Course Confirmation Sheet to get your enrollment started.
Don't forget to hit the Facebook link on the bottom of this page (The blue "f" ) to check out Barryton Firearms Training Center's Facebook site.
Call or text our mobile number 231-250-7257
Copyright © 2025 Barryton Firearms Training Center - All Rights Reserved.